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White Paint

Proven, Trusted Leadership

Working Hard for Burleson

Image by Gradienta

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Serving as Mayor of Burleson has been one of the greatest honors of my life. I'm proud to have earned a reputation for serving with integrity, honesty, and the highest commitment to our beloved town. We've already accomplished a lot together, but there is more work to be done. I'd be honored to earn your vote for another term.

Goals and Accomplishments

Working Hard for Burleson

Trusted Leadership. Proven Results.

Mayor Achievements

  • Suggested a new vision for developing the front of the Hidden Creek Golf Course and Softball fields on Hidden Creek which will create new revenue streams and make the golf course financially viable.

  • Restructured Council Meetings to maximize efficiency, transparency, and accessibility to Burleson residents.

  • Refocused Parks & Recreation design process to increase citizen input.

  • Redirected the City Council to focus on policy making instead of micromanaging city projects.

  • Advocated for improvements in customer service which led to the creation of a new department of Customer Service to increase citizen access to important city projects and resources.

  • Worked to increase Burleson's standing in the local region by actively participating in Tarrant Regional Transportation Coalition (TRTC) and created new relationships with surrounding leaders, to focus on infrastructure development and improvement in Burleson.

  • Requested a 20 year review of infrastructure projects by TxDOT in the Johnson/Hood cluster to shed light on why Burleson was behind on receiving our fair share of funds for infrastructure projects.

    • The study revealed that Burleson and other cities were not being represented on boards that selected projects, only county elected officials had a voice on the RTC (Regional Transportation Council).

    • After the study, our office drafted modifications to RTC bylaws to allow city elected officials to be on the RTC. The draft was passed and changes were made. Now, city elected officials have the potential to serve on the RTC, increasing Burleson's representation and voice on critical infrastructure and transportation matters in the region.

  • Increased transparency by requesting the recent bond package was presented as a General Bond, so our citizens could vote on it instead of a Certificate of Obligation where only the council would vote on it.

  • Favored a citizen’s bond committee to review and vote on both bond packages. The committee had total control of the bond projects. Both bonds were passed by committee unanimously. 

  • Increased clarity by participating in numerous public meetings to answer questions on the bond package. 

  • Improved communication between citizens and local government.

  • Fought for efforts to maximize quality and minimize costs on construction and infrastructure projects, ensuring Burleson taxpayer dollars are used efficiently and prudently.

  • Promoted positive relationships with Mayors, Judges, and Commissioners of Johnson County to create a think tank for the overall good of Johnson County.

  • Received appointment from Johnson County Judge to serve on the Advisory Committee for the North Texas Tollway Authority.

White Room

Improved Public Safety

  • Opened Fire Station 16: The 14,000 square foot station replaced Fire Station 2 and offers quick access to I-35W

  • Completed detailed analysis of medical transport services and began process to transition from Medstar to Fire based EMS service in October 2023.

  • Five new School Resource Officers (SROs) have been added since FY 2021 to improve safety in our schools.

  • Since 2021, the city has also added ten new police department positions and thirteen new fire department staff members. 

  • Implemented G2 Station Alerting system for fire stations which provided a 41% decrease in the time needed to dispatch priority one calls.

  • Began implementation of a new Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system to replace legacy software solution.

  • Seven (7) new staff members have been added to the department to improve services and begin Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) associated with the new EMS service.

Improved Infrastructure

  • Created a 15 member citizen bond advisory committee and passed largest bond program in the City’s history, that included $52.4 million for the expansion of the Police headquarters and a new fire station and $33.6 million for public infrastructure.

  • Approved first master-planned community for the city that will add approximately $1.2 Billion in taxable value, over 3,000 new homes, and 100 acres of parks and recreation facilities.

  • Finalized development agreement and began construction on Ellison Street Project which will double the size of Old Town’s core by bringing over 50,000 square feet of retail, office and restaurant space (including Heim Barbecue and Razoo’s Cajun Café).

  • Approved an economic development agreement that will bring Alley Cats headquarters and an indoor/outdoor activity center to the community.​

Community Improvement

  • Opened City's First Splash Pad

  • Opened City's First Dog Park

  • Expanded the Burleson Memorial Cemetery

  • Began and/or completed improvements at Prairie Timbers Park, Clark Park, Cindy Park, and Claudia’s Playground.

  • Since 2019, the entry level pay for both police and fire has increased by over 30%.

  • In 2019, the City ranked 11th out of 13 comparable cities across the Metroplex in beginning compensation for police and fire; in 2021, this ranking was improved to 3rd out of 13.  In 2022, we maintained our position in the marketplace by providing beginning salaries for police and fire that were 3rd out of 14 comparable cities.

Improved Finances

  • Received bond rating upgrade from Moody’s Investor Services – from Aa3 to Aa2.  This rating places the City of Burleson in the top 5% of communities nationally.

  • Increased fund balances in all major operating funds.

  • No utility rate increases over the past two years. 

  • Lowered property tax rate by 5.39 cents which is more than a 7% reduction over 2 years.

  • First homestead exemption in the city’s history was created in FY 22 and increased it to 2% in FY 2023.

Meet Chris

Meet Chris

A lifelong Texan, Mayor Chris Fletcher was born in a small town in West Texas to loving parents who instilled in him the values of hard work, loving the Lord, and serving the community at a young age.

Chris spent many of his formidable years working on the family farm, before going on to launch his career at Texas Instruments in Lubbock. As he grew in his trade, he learned to design and build manufacturing equipment- a skill that would ultimately launch his very successful career in Burleson down the road.

Chris and his family settled in Burleson and went on to found Texas Overhead Door in 1986. Chris owned and operated his successful business for over 35 years before ultimately selling the company to his nephew.

A strong commitment to service and community, Chris has a long history of giving back to the town he loves so dearly. He previously served on the Board of Directors for the Burleson Chamber of Commerce and Harvest House, and also sat on the Board of Directors for a pro-bono organization that provided counsel and guidance for small businesses in the region. Chris has a strong relationship with the Lord, and has served as a Deacon at Burleson Church of Christ for over 20 years.

Since he was first elected Mayor of Burleson, Chris has earned a reputation for serving with tenacity, integrity, and the highest commitment to his beloved Burleson. With over 35  years of business experience, he’s worked tirelessly to foster an environment of growth, economic success, and sound budgeting practices.

Chris was recently appointed to the advisory committee of the North Texas Tollway Authority by the Honorable Judge Chris Boedecker of Johnson County, and serves on the Tarrant Regional Transportation Coalition, to aid in infrastructure development in Burleson and Johnson County.


Chris has been married to his beautiful wife and best friend Nancy (a retired Kindergarten teacher) for 43 years. They are the proud parents to two grown children and a wonderful son-in-law and grandparents to two energetic grandkids.



Congressman Roger Williams

Senator Phil King

Representative David Cook

Representative Dwayne Burns

Former Representative Rob Orr

Victor Vandergriff, Tarrant Regional Transportation Coalition Executive Director

Mayor Oscar Trevino, North Richland Hills

Mayor John Huffman, Southlake

Mayor Michael Evans, Mansfield

Mayor Michael Boyter, Bedford

Mayor Scott Kimble, Joshua

Mayor Scott Cain, Cleburne

Mayor Jacob Wheat, Alvarado

Former Mayor Jeff Williams, Arlington

Councilwoman Mary Welsh, Grandview

Pam Ayers

Dwayne Bain

Glenda Bain

Sally Blessing

Art Brucks

Donnia Canup

Tim Christian

Marsha Clark

Carolyn Cleaveland

Hal Cleveland

Gary Cochran

Jeremy Davis

Tim Davis

Caleb Dees

Patsy Dumas

Greg Fletcher

AW Forson

Lindsay French

Brenda Gammon

Greg Gammon

Aaron George

Tyler Gibson

Terri Goodloe

Shelley Grant

Charles Grover

Claude Holliman

Daniel Hodge

Holly Hodge

Craig Hundley

Skip Jabbar

Andrea Kyle

Richard Kyle

Stephen Leaf

David Ledbetter

Lance Leverich

Wynn Loveless

James Luckie

Amy Lynn

Billy Lynn

Carter Mahanay

Allan Martin

Tim Mathis

Jack Mattson

Scott Meyer

Melissa Meyer

Tammie Mueller

Adam Noel

Betty Noyola

Sal Noyola

David O'Connor

Anita Overhultz

Steve Pascarelli

Robert Payne, Sr

Chad Peacock

Mike Perdue

Nicole Perdue

Randal Polson

Jim Raines

Justin Ramsey

Seamus Regan

Bridgette Salyer

Derrek Scheler

Melissa Scott

Wayne Shamblin

Nancy Sillers

Lindsay Simmons

Mark Simmons

Allison B. Smith

Zachary Smith

Tim Spears

Royce Stowe

Jim Tate

Austin T-Bow

Donna Trimble

Larry Vines

James Wadlow

Sherry Wagner

JJ Wagner

Cody Warren

Melissa Warren

Mildred Wellborn

Clay Wingo

Shannon Wingo

Jennifer Woods

Wes Wyley

Kristin Wyley

Vote: May 6th          Vote Early: April 24- May 2nd

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Campaign yard signs can be picked up during normal hours at the following locations:
Flowers by Fran
248 SW Wilshire
Lonestar Roofing
141 E. Renfro
Chisholm Trail Firearms
426 SW Wilshire
Texas Overhead Door
122 NW Hillery Street, Burleson

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Pol. Adv. Paid for by Chris Fletcher for Burleson Mayor Campaign. Carter Mahanay, campaign treasurer.

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